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Show your support for Warhawk crew!

Crew is considered a club sport and we receive ZERO funding from the state, county, or school. To qualify as an “official” sport, the activity must have participation from more than 50 percent of Virginia high schools. Crew is gaining in popularity but requires a heavy financial commitment to pay for boats, equipment, coaching fees, and transportation to regattas and training venues. It falls to the athletes’ families to pick up most of these costs.

Our objective is to gain sufficient support from you, our James Madison Highschool community and corporate sponsors, so financial limitations will not prevent a student from competing.

Your financial support in the form of a tax-deductible donation will allow us to continue providing this competitive athletic opportunity. The athletes and their families appreciate every dollar donated, and all expenses are vigorously discussed and approved by our governing James Madison Crew Boosters Organization.

Our organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Please support our entirely volunteer- and community-supported organization by clicking Donate below. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Thank you for your generosity in supporting our student athletes!

Tax Deductible Donations