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Bus Chaperone Duties


If you cannot make your shift, you must find a substitute and email the Transportation Chair at, DM Rachel Dow in Slack or call/text her at 703-864-3697 with the name and phone number of the person who will be doing your shift.

Bus Chaperone General Information

One of the most popular features of Warhawk Crew is the tour bus service we offer (Spring Season: M-F) to and from our practice venue at Sandy Run Rowing Facility, along the Occoquan Reservoir. Note: There is no arranged transportation for Spring Break due to various practice times.

!!! FCPS does NOT permit us to offer this service unless a parent accompanies the bus as a chaperone !!!

If the Bus Chaperone does not show up or find a substitute, our rowers won't be able to practice that day.

Essentially, the bus chaperone rides the bus to the Occoquan from JMHS, spends the practice time relaxing and enjoying the park, and then returns on the bus after practice. 

A Bus Chaperone is needed Monday-Friday afternoon (2:50-7:30p.m.) during the Spring season.

What to Bring
  • Cell phone in case there are issues with the bus.
  • Paper & Pen (for roll-call list)
  • Warm clothing if it's a cold day.
  • Binoculars if you want to sit and watch practice.
  • Departure from JMHS: 

  1. Meet the bus no later than 2:45 p.m. on the backside of the school near door 4, on the roadway between the Press Box and where the trailers were previously.
  2. Take a roll call by having each athlete add their name to a list as they board the bus (you'll use this list on the return to be sure the same athletes reboard).
  3. Buses typically arrive at the boathouse by 4pm.
  • Return to JMHS:
  1. Take a roll call by having each athlete check their name back off of the list as they board the bus. 
  2. Buses should be back at JMHS around 7:30pm
  3. Remind the students to gather up any trash and personal items and remove them from the bus.
  4. If you find any personal items, give them to your rower to announce the next day on the bus, or post a picture on Slack.
Athletes Guidelines while on the bus:
  • Athletes must clean up their own garbage.
  • Athletes must remain seated on the buses and may not sit backwards in the seats or lean over the backs of the seats.
  • Excessive noise, foul language, inappropriate physical contact or conversation topics are all prohibited.
  • Athletes must listen to the bus driver for any other safety instructions and treat the adult volunteers with respect.
Other Items:
  • If school is cancelled, practice is cancelled.
  • It is NOT the job of the Chaperones to discipline the athletes. Refer any problems to the board members who will engage the DSA.
Can't make your shift?

If you cannot make your shift, you must find a substitute and email the Transportation Chair at, DM Rachel Dow in Slack or call/text her at 703-864-3697 with the name and phone number of the person who will be doing your shift.